At Enterprise Growth Group (EGG), you’ll experience the power of personalized one-on-one business coaching, supported by our transformative book, The Entrepreneur’s Gameplan. This unbeatable combination will empower you to conquer your business goals and unlock your true potential. EGG is led by elite business coach Mark Mertel, a serial entrepreneur who has established 17 businesses and 3 charities. He is now on a mission to find and mentor people like you, the next generation of successful entrepreneurs.
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4 Goals for Coaching Clients
If you’re looking for a coach who will tell it to you straight and give you candid answers to your questions with real-life solutions for your challenges, then you’ve come to the right place.
We have four overarching goals for our coaching clients:
- We’ll help you answer this critical question: “Does your business idea have a good chance for success”?
- If yes, we’ll help you build a Gameplan that maximizes this opportunity for success.
- You’ll learn how to become the most successful entrepreneur you can possibly be.
- We’ll help you achieve a full and happy personal and business life.

Meet Mark Mertel: your elite business coach and author of The Entrepreneur’s Gameplan. With 17 businesses and 3 charities in his career, Mark has turned to his next great success with Enterprise Growth Group: finding and mentoring the next generation of entrepreneurs.
“As CEO and head coach of Enterprise Growth Group, I’ll personally coach you, giving my full effort to help you take your idea from thought to winning execution. With my coaching and the EGG team behind you, you’ll eliminate misdirection and get on the right track to success from the very beginning.”